Spooky Action At A Distance

Created By Khyati Shah

Created By Khyati Shah

In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances.

The phenomenon so riled Albert Einstein he called it "spooky action at a distance."

- Karl Tate for Live Science

Have you ever been so in-sync with someone they become an extension of you? Someone who knows your thoughts so well, using words becomes redundant. You don’t even need to be in the same physical space, to know what they think or feel. Like two devices connected to the same cloud drive, making changes to one means instantly uploading them to the other.

Often a thought, lingering in my head, will wander through space and plant itself in their mind. Sometimes its like we can hear each others’ thoughts, even though no word was spoken. It doesn’t matter if we’re sharing the space or a thousand miles apart. It doesn’t matter how long its been. We’re always there, synchronized, listening to this line of contact we opened between each other.

Linked through invisible threads, our entanglement is woven together. They ripple with the vibrations of our being, the waves traveling large distances only to break on their shores.


The Vagus Nerve